Water Wise

Even though water doesn’t usually appear in short supply in Ireland, using less water actually means you are saving energy and reducing carbon emissions. Cleaning and pumping water is an energy intensive process, as is heating the hot water that comes out of our taps and showers.

If you would like to find ways to save water at home here are a few tips for how to go about it.

At Home

  • Collect water used from cooking. Once it has cooled you can use it to water plants with. Or if you’re boiling vegetables, use this water to start a soup.
  • When refreshing a pet’s water bowl, use the old water on house plants rather than pouring it down the drain.
  • Another great tip is to keep a jug next to the kitchen tap to collect any water that you run when waiting for the tap to heat up. You can use this to water your houseplants or in the garden.
  • A quick iron or hanging it up will freshen any shirt that you’ve been wearing for the online meetings rather than throwing it in the wash.

“Keep a jug next to the kitchen tap to collect any water that you run when waiting for the tap to heat up. You can use this to water your houseplants or in the garden.”

In the Bathroom

  • Remember to turn off the tap while brushing your teeth!
  • Choose to take a shower rather than a bath. As long as you keep it short you will save water. 
  • Plan on doing a workout today? Plan to have your shower after your workout – and make it a short one!
  • Put on your favourite 5 minute song and try to shower before the song ends. 
  • Try turning the water off in between washing your body, shampooing and conditioning.
  • To go one step further, place a bucket in the shower with you to collect any excess water – you can use this to flush your toilet. 
  • Avoid shaving with the shower or tap running – use a small bowl of water instead.
  • Fancy a relaxing bath? Don’t fill it to the top and when you’re done save the water and use a bucket to flush your toilet or water non edible plants.
  • Did you know between 5-8% of toilets are leaking? Why don’t you check to see if yours has a leak. Use a bit of food colouring in the cistern before you go to bed and check to see if your toilet bowl water has changed colour in the morning. If it has, you know you’ve got a leak. Make note to have this repaired as soon as it’s safe to do so.
  • Research suggests that your hair thrives when you don’t wash it as much. Why don’t you use this time at home to try and reduce hair washing or use dry shampoo instead. This will not only save you water but shampoo and conditioner too! 
  • Remember to only flush the 3 P’s – Pee, Poo and Paper. 

“Try turning the water off in between washing your body, shampooing and conditioning.”


  • If you are lucky enough to have a garden use this time to plant some drought resistant seeds. Some great examples are Lavender, Agapanthus ‘Silver Baby’ and Anchusa azurea. Take a look at some more options here.
  • Out in the garden watering your plants? Make sure you use a watering can instead of a hose – a hose pipe can use up to 1000 litres of water an hour!
  • Make the most of the fact you’re not driving as much and don’t wash the car. 
  • Stop watering your lawn. It’s ok to let your grass go brown during dry spells – it will bounce back as soon as it rains again.
  • Check the weather before you water. Many plants can go at least a day without watering, and if you know rain is forecast for tomorrow then it’s ok to give it a miss today. The RHS have some great watering advice here.