Optimising Power @ Work uses three key elements to support buildings and energy teams in reaching their energy reduction targets:

1. Technology
2. Specialist Expertise
3. Staff Engagement

1. Technology

Dedicated Energy Monitoring Systems (EMS) record energy consumption data in each building.

2. Specialist

An Optimising Power @ Work Energy Advisor is appointed to each building. The Energy Advisor assesses the historic energy performance of the facility and sets energy saving targets for the building. The performance of the building is measured against these targets, via the online EMS, and monthly progress reports. The Energy Advisor offers an insight into where energy savings may be achieved, through no or low-cost measures.

3. Staff

An active energy team is established in each building comprising key stakeholders from different business functions within the organisation. The Optimising Power @ Work Energy Advisor intensively engages with the energy team and staff in the building on a continuous basis to identify energy saving opportunities.

Supported to meet your full energy saving potential

Optimising Power @ Work Energy Advisors take time to ensure that they understand where you currently are in your efforts to reduce energy, and each participating organisation is supported to meet their full energy saving potential. To date, across all participating buildings, an average reduction of 30% has been achieved by combining behavioural change science, technology and specialist expertise, advice and support.